images of Gino DeMaio

About Gino

I have been blessed with lots of opportunities and have accomplished many different things in my life; I embrace all the success, failures, changes, and hardships that I have been through that make up the recipe of my life. 

As a CEO, a teacher, leader of people and organizations in the field of psychology and human development. I have devoted many years to helping those in need while also being a professional photographer, an artist, husband, father, grandfather, sailor, and a seeker of the law of attraction. But for now, I’m enjoying communicating messages that hopefully resonate with someone at the right time. 

I do believe we are what we think about; That we are the sum total of our thoughts, and I hope by putting mine out there, good things continue to come back to me……

Thank’s for stopping by!

From my perspective, there is nothing quite like Instagram. It has given millions the opportunity to express themselves in real-time.

I’m not going to dabble in the discussion if it’s art or not, but some of my most treasured images are posted on Instagram. 

So, for that reason, I invite you to check out my feed.